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President/Mayor Dwain Land:   (423) 718-3435
Director Warren Nevad:   (865) 809-2512
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"USDA, Rural Development in Tennessee is proud to provide support for the efforts of TREEDC. This organization provides a forum for all sectors public and private to come together and network and learn from each other to further the increased use of renewable energy throughout our great State".
    -Will Dodson, Energy Coordinator, USDA, Rural Development

"I think that the work and the efforts of the TREEDC provides communities with new alternatives for consideration; in looking at what were once perceived as problems areas and are now these challenges seem more like opportunities. This network of resources is finding new means for these communities to improved their operational cost and give better value back to the citizens and the communities. The work of TREEDC is precisely the leadership these communities need. "
    -Wm. K. Robbins, Executive Director, Byrdstown- Pickett County Chamber of Commerce
Byrdstown, TN 38549

" I think that the TREEDC is the most progressive program going in identifying the alternative energies that are available in Tennessee. All the programs that they present around the state offer the most current information that is out in the marketplace. I am very proud to be a member to TREEDC and I encourage everyone I can to go to one of their sessions. Warren Nevad and the TREEDC Team have a great thing going."
    -Pat Riley , General Manager, Gibson County Utility District

"For the second year in a row, TREEDC held a forum in Franklin where businesses, educators, and state and city government officials gathered to update one another on happenings in the Renewables arena. It was a great opportunity to learn and to further our sustainability efforts."
    -L.K. Browning, Commissioner
City of Franklin Sustainability Commission

"As Executive Director of Wayne County Economic & Community Development, TREEDC membership has enabled me to develop sustainable relationships with the Renewable Energy community. As the county driver for a major renewable fuels and bio-mass facility, I have enjoyed the family of those with similar interests. TREEDC is the leader in a number of energy related initiatives.
    -Thomas Cauley, Executive Director, Wayne County Economic Community Development Clifton, TN. 38425

"The Tennessee Renewable Energy and Economic Development Council have been and continue to be an important partner of the 25x'25 Alliance. This unique coalition of local elected leaders, university partners, and clean energy entrepreneurs is building a base of understanding, knowledge, and direction for Tennessee's energy future. Their work at the state level to bring together diverse stakeholders through regional forums that highlight the achievements of the public and private sectors in research, development, demonstration, and deployment of renewable energy technologies and applications will help our nation achieve the goal of consuming 25% of our energy needs from renewable resources by 2025.
    -Brent Bailey, 25x'25 State Facilitator

"As Director of Industrial and ECD for my community I have seen the importance of TREEDC. During this year I have been able to attend three meetings across our great state, and proud to have sponsored the latest meeting here in Monroe County. TREEDC is an educational opportunity that must not be missed by any concerned citizen, manufactures or anyone wanting more knowledge about Renewable Energy. I encourage everyone to make an effort to attend the next meeting of TREEDC".
    -Shan Harris
Director, ECD, Monroe County, Tennessee

"It is an honor to sit on the Board of Directors for TREEDC. With our participation in this organization we have been able to raise the awareness of the importance of taking steps to provide policies and actions that show leadership in this most important arena".
    -Kingston Mayor Troy Beets
East Tennessee TREEDC Coordinator

"Warren Nevad and TREEDC have been excellent partners with the City of Franklin. TREEDC has hosted two forums in Franklin, both of which attracted approximately 100 people. TREEDC casts a large net and brings a lot of stakeholders to the table. Their accomplishments add a level of legitimacy to the sustainability movement as a whole and also provide leadership in a growing field where it is desperately needed."
    -Andrew Orr, Sustainability & Grants Coordinator
City of Franklin

"The TREEDC has been instrumental in bringing the emerging Electric Vehicle (EV) industry and EV charge infrastructure considerations to local municipalities around the State of TN. Through their series of events, the EVProject effectively engaged community leaders in the EV readiness activities necessary to create a market for electric fuel. Acting as a resource, continuing the EV conversation and educating local governments, the TREEDC is a functional organization that connects relevant community priorities to industry happenings in a way that fosters the right conversations, with the right people, at the right time".
    -Stephanie Cox, ECOtality
Stakeholder Services Area Manager – Tennessee

"The impact of TREEDC regarding the adoption of renewable energy by the state of Tennessee has been pronounced. The ability to communicate with the community leaders regarding the advantages of, in our case solar photovoltaics, has garnered us support and encouragement from the TREEDC membership. The Tennessee Solar Energy Association (TSEA) expects to continue its contributions with regard the benefits of solar for communities in the state using TREEDC as a sounding board. The varied membership of TREEDC makes the audience even more valuable. Keep up the great work and count on TSEA for continued support".
    -Stephen Levy, Technical Director
Tennessee Solar Energy Association
State Chapter of the American Solar Energy Society

Tennessee Renewable Energy & Economic Development Council | P.O Box 1592 | Dunlap, Tennessee 37327
Email Warren Nevad, MTAS Municipal Management Consultant | (865) 809-2512